Maintaining Resilience


While listening to ‘Trained’ podcast, host Ryan Flaherty interviews social psychologist and Grit Expert, Angela Duckworth. Angela Duckworth has dedicated her life to studying Grit, by her definition it is the combination of passion and perseverance, in other words, it is the stamina to keep going despite facing adversity. In this fascinating podcast they provide brilliant food for thought around goal setting, grit and the effects of stress during the Covid-19 pandemic, but the big takeaway we want to reiterate here is that in order to stick to your goals, you have to accept that your plan will change. The goal remains, but the journey will require the resilience to plan and replan in order for it to be successful. Therefore it is sheer determination to stick to your goals, applying a strong planning structure and accepting that it will need constant tweaking in order to achieve the long term success you desire.

If we consider the G.R.O.W by using goals blog, we recognise that during this hugely unpredictable time it is imperative to set goals, which will give the mind focus and a series of daily actions. We are now living in a time of extreme adversity, the pandemic continues to have a consequential effect on people and industry far and wide. This need not be a figurative nail in your coffin for your goals and dreams, rather it is a time to dig in and figure out the best next steps.

In order to maintain resilience we need to take a step back and assess the situation. Go back to your goals, and the detail within your plan. Identify where there is opportunity within the uncertainty , write down the potential learnings and what opportunities could be hiding within the chaos. 

The next best step is to reach out to your support network, the people around you are there for a reason. Engaging with the people that know you best can serve as the soundboard your plans need. Understanding that you don’t have to feel resilient all the time to be resilient, sometimes focusing on your fundamentals like eating and sleeping well, and getting enough exercise can do wonders to reenergise your mind and body. Finally, enjoying the little things, create time to spend time with your loved ones and the activities you love to do away from work. The more space you give yourself to function, the better you will be when you need to fire on all cylinders. 

We are passionate about helping humans achieve their potential, over the past six weeks we have worked closely with Henry Fraser, to create an online course on Accepting Change and Building Resilience. The goal of this course is to help you deal with the changes that Covid-19 has brought about in your life. During this course, with the help of Henry and Will Fraser, you will develop your own personalised PLAN, create the DETAIL required to make your plan achievable and know what ACTION you need to implement to make it a reality.

For more information on the online course, click the link above or here.

Tom Bednall

Commercial Director 


Stoicism in the face of uncertainty


G.R.O.W by using Goals